Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mace Gun Made From A Fire Extinguisher

Careful to remove all pressure from the extinguisher before unscrewing the top assembly from the tank, empty and wash all components with soap and water. Rinse Thoroughly.
Remove pressure gauge by unscrewing it, then re-tapping the threads to 1/8" NPT thread.

Super Mace Gun

Locate and install Shrader air fill valve as detailed below. You are ready to add homemade mace solution, reseal top to tank, then pressurize with air. Tank will proof to 100 PSI, but only 50-70 PSI necessary to empty tank. Pressure check for leaks. Range Approx. 50 ft.

Super Mace Gun Valve Detail

This is an absolutely awesome 'strolling through the hood' self defense weapon for dogs and thugs. Disguised as a harmless fire extinguisher, but with shotgun effect, it packs a powerful debilitating high pressure spray. Enjoy building and using your new weapon.


Fire Extinguishers Nevada said...

Excellent post. It was very helpful for me.Thank you for sharing!

Fire Extinguishers Nevada

JenniferPark8 said...

Note: Experienced finishers use the smallest possible amount of thinner or solvent when they clean a spray gun. Arc-rite Paints

Anonymous said...

What do you fill it with and how much? Do they make a refill for O.C.spray that comes in bulk non pressurized form?

Kangal_is_king said...

Great deterrent for the leftist Hamas, BLM and Antifa terrorist. I am going to make several of these!